EnimentLie Interviewed by SeanMcChapman
Feb 12, 2015 1:59:04 GMT -7
Post by seanmcchapman on Feb 12, 2015 1:59:04 GMT -7
SeanMcChapman: Hello how are you?
EminentLie: I'm good just chillin
Thanks man
SeanMcChapman: Ya, no problem it's great to be interviewing you. So now that were doing this interview is there anything you want to say before we start? like to any veiwers who may hear about this?
Sorry where are my manors if I had them would you like to introduce yourself?
EminentLie: okay, this is exciting man. To the viewers and fans or friends I love you guys so much you rock never stop being amazing you are my family and are always there for me and I will be the same for you too. Oh I'm eminent lie by the way but call me emi.
SeanMcChapman: nice to meet you "Emi" if I may call you that. It's a pleasure.
EminentLie: Thank you man
SeanMcChapman: Alright now let's get to the questions everyone is dying hear XD so let's start by asking, what do you do?
EminentLie: Alright cool , well I draw cartoons (not anime or furries) and sometimes I animate them into music videos too, usually on my ds but I use flash sometimes
Or videos with some voice recording its fun
SeanMcChapman: I've seen a lot that you have made and I am very impressed. Why do you do waht you do?
EminentLie: aah thank you! Well, Ive been drawing for as long as I can remember so art and animation is like second nature to me. Its so fun and I do it mostly for my own pleasure, I never really wanted money for it its just a chill thing to do. Its my way of putting my feelings on paper
SeanMcChapman: That's a great way to put. Iused to do a little animating myself, but things happened, but that's another story lol. So when you create your art sharing your feelings has anyone ever shot you down for creating some of your creations? If so how has that had the most impact on you and what was the peice like?
(If you want to share a link during the interview ill put it up on the video if not wait to show me privatly)
EminentLie: Well, probably but usually I try to ignore it because its pointless to argue with people like that. I get a lot of criticism for making animations or art with drug related content but I keep drawing it because it's what I like to do. Its silly when people "quit art" because someone didn't like what they made, personally I don't believe in quitting art, art is like breathing you can't just not breath aha
(okay got it )
SeanMcChapman: Breathing is very important, so I'll take your word! Do you have a peice that you'd like to share that you are proud of?(if so insert a link if not say pass and ill get another question)
EminentLie: Of course hold on ill pick a video and a drawing
SeanMcChapman: (Great!)
EminentLie: Okay, my favorites always change and honestly I cant choose but I guess some of my favorite drawings I'VE made are
8:28:16 pm EminentLie: eminent-lie.deviantart.com/art/walking-with-fire-470767621
8:28:38 pm EminentLie: eminent-lie.deviantart.com/art/at-least-im-pretty-when-i-cry-467237542
8:29:20 pm EminentLie: eminent-lie.deviantart.com/art/grungy-468666220
EminentLie: And this animation is probably the one I'm most proud of eminent-lie.deviantart.com/art/this-is-my-show-470108341
SeanMcChapman: I really like them exspeically the one on the bed, how it shows a your room and your character in it mixing bother real life and the imagination! The video is outstanding and amazing. I approve your you art and videos even if they may not all be child freindly that shouldn't mean people should dislike them.
EminentLie: Thank you man hah
SeanMcChapman: your very welcome who is this character btw? Is this what you'd like to say represents you?
EminentLie: Aah yes, this is emi she's a cat. Since everyone started calling me emi (short of eminent lie) I decided to make a character for that name and since my other character, Spikes, is harder to animate, I wanted to make a simple character and so emi was created as me into a character
SeanMcChapman: Who is spike?
EminentLie: his name is Spikes and he was one of my first characters and who I used as my main character heres a picture of him eminent-lie.deviantart.com/art/Spikes-Hookah-457990388
SeanMcChapman: Is pretty chill as you might say XD. I know spike too from the old flipnote, but correct me if I'm wrong. I noticed spike go through many didffernt changes but he was always spike, I say. Some videos spike was in he seemed sad sometimes. Was spike depressed back then?
EminentLie: Hah that is something I would say, yes I used him in most of my videos back on hatena. Well, normally I put a lot of my personality into my characters so at the time I could have been upset or whatnot but that was a while ago but anyways, if he was sad I was probably sad.
SeanMcChapman: If Spike lost his refridgerator where would it be, in the neighbors pool, up in a tree, or thrown off a cliff?
EminentLie: Hah okay, um probably in the pool because he was stoned and thought the food wasn't staying cold so he felt it was his mission to get it into the pool because the water is cold and it would keep the food cold
SeanMcChapman: HAHA that's a great story! Okay I got some nice funny questions and then we'll get back to the your questions. Beach boys or dubstep?
EminentLie: Hah okay. I'd say beach boys because dubstep is fun but I like more chill music and I wouldn't purposely chose to listen to dubstep
SeanMcChapman: Bucket of Icecream or going to a sports game?
And ice cream is rad as ribbit
SeanMcChapman: ribbit YA
What is your greatest acheivment?
EminentLie: Oh man I don't know man I never really considered achieving stuff with my art I just do it but I guess my "This is My Show" video was pretty achievement-worthy it got pretty popular, got me banned and got sudomemo shut down (other than the fact that Austin needed to change the server) but that was pretty rad
SeanMcChapman: That video... I give you so many kudos on! It's just gonna get better from there, in my oppion of course . Your two characters EMi and Spike are very intresting characters. Do they have their own stories* and does Emi and spike have a thing?
EminentLie: Aah thanks man! I'm excited to make more videos I have one I'm going to start soon to post on my birthday (August 14) if I can finish in time but emi and spikes, typically I dont really sexualized my characters but for back stories not really. I have them kind of living in the moment and making up stuff as my life goes on
But they are like best buds I love them
SeanMcChapman: When you say how they don't have a story it reminds me of my own character Unnamed(Scarf), who actaully reminds me of how spike looks. Unnmaned I' just letting his story make itself and I also don't sexulize? I can't spell- my characters. I did think they were together but that's my fault for assuming. What is your idea of perfect happiness?-
("brb gotta get some nurishment"(back making some ramen)
(need a pasS? You can skip any questions)
EminentLie: Oh that's cool hah yeah I like to make things up on the spot usually its just my style. Hmm, perfect happiness that's hard, Ive been at sort of a dark point in my life for the pass few months struggling pretty bad with anxiety attacks and depression but anyways I guess love from the people around you, like from your friends or fans. Ive been getting a lot of fan art and people saying how I inspire them and how much they love my art it just warms my heart so so much and has gotten me though all my extremely low points where I honestly didn't want to be alive but I would never want to abandon the wonderful people around me it wouldn't be fair to them I don't want to let them down. This got really off topic from the original question but I don't know yet, I'm still trying to find my perfect happiness
SeanMcChapman: That was perfect. That told me all that question needed to know. I think family freinds and even your fans have a big inpact on our lives and they can be a very good thing to turn to when things get rough.. "What is your favorite color?"
9:24:40 pm SeanMcChapman: (joke from here
EminentLie: Okay cool yeah life gets ribbitty I guess just remember that theres always tomorrow. And my all time favorite color is red but I love red purple and green together
SeanMcChapman: (red purple and green for me)
EminentLie: Yes those are my favorite colors they rock
SeanMcChapman: Yup those are some rad colors man. So back to when you told me that you liked more chill music, what genre would you say was your favorie?
EminentLie: Ah yes well I like indie rock usually that's the stuff I listen to like Lana Del Rey, Passion Pit, MGMT and some stuff like that but I also like the classics like 70s and 80s music
SeanMcChapman: Me I never got into music till late middle school and then I was hooked on My mother's blind melon, smashing pumpkins and just also what I liked. I do like the 1990's music too. Also for the next question I just want to know if you can tell me who is this micheal jackson I keep hearing about. is he a real rad guy???
EminentLie: Hah oh yeah, well I went though a phase where I really liked him a lot it slowly faded away but I still love his ribbit he's an amazing artist I defiantly aspire to how he worked and treated his fans. He's pretty rad man seemed like a pretty chill guy if I could've gotten high with him I would have, haha that's horrible.
SeanMcChapman: Haha na that sounds like it'd be cool! I mean who wouldnt want to do something with someone they admired. My best freind *sniff* listened to his music and that even made me to buy "Micheal jacksong the expiernce" even though it was more to be a joke. I go it when I bought pokemon x with a pink 3ds xl to say to the others "Hey look. I got something you don't have. Oh and it's PINK!" I think I listened to micheal jackson a bit because of your intrest in him too, probably because I don't know what I like. any how sorry for the quick rant.
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
EminentLie: Aha cool story man and oh boy okay I'm going to make a list somewhat in order from most to least this should be fun
2. Weed
3. ribbit
4. I feel really chill right now man
5. I'm going to make brownies
6. Doritos man
SeanMcChapman: (keep going till you cant XD)
EminentLie: (okay I was going to go to 10 but ill try aha)
SeanMcChapman: (ok do ANYTHING*)
EminentLie: 7. I'm going to make a Facebook post about this
8. I cant stop eating
9. lmao drugs
10. I haven't done ribbit all summer
11. I must be trippin
12. Always get the corner brownie piece
13. Minecraft anyone
SeanMcChapman: (oooh didnt know you did da crafting)
EminentLie: Ah ill stop there hah I literally looked though my Facebook feed to find post on things I say a lot yeah minecraft is fun
SeanMcChapman: Where would you like to live?-
EminentLie: Well, right now I live in California but id like to go live down in southern cal, because its nice down there, on the beach in Santa Monica
I love California
SeanMcChapman: (Ima cali guy to. I never really got to get around out of this small town but yes I think it looks like it could be nice out there lol >M<) How's the weather right now? What's your favorite weather and season?
EminentLie: (yeah I'm up north out side San Francisco its pretty chill) but right now its dark and cold aaaah during the days its nice but I haaate the wind. My favorite would probably be warm weather, not to hot or cold and I love summer. But I also like winter because I like to wear my huge parka jacket
SeanMcChapman: (I live down in the top right corner of cali in Aturas and the weather is literal random. In summer no matter what there can be a chance of snow.) Never heard of a parka jacket souds nice. what kinds of clothes do you like? Do you mind if they breathe and is it about the style?
EminentLie: I like chill clothing, parkas are like those big jackets you take to Alaska, but anyways like hippie stuff I guess?? Lose, typically dirty because I hate laundry kind of flowy stuff I don't know man hah I love style though
SeanMcChapman: That's me I was wearing one pare of pants basicly since school got out and now I just got some more clothes, but ya laundry can do itself rahaha. Ok here's a harder questions but we can pass it and I can also not include it you you would rather not. What are your thoughts on religion, racism, and sexualatity?
EminentLie: I think people should be able like what they like and shouldn't be judged for the things they are passionate for/their lifestyle choices
SeanMcChapman: Amen
EminentLie: Yes sir
SeanMcChapman: I totally agree that people should feel free to live how ever they wish and shouldn't be forced to be what they're not. Do you have any bad habits like gum tapping fingers humming talking cursing.
(Your one rad G)
EminentLie: yeS I have lots I tap my leg a lot usually when I'm feeling anxiety and I cuss. A lot. Too much. Way too much like ribbit man, sometime ill talk too much about something too, like weed , and I think it bothers people ahah but whatever man. Also I have this tendency to not give a ribbit about things which is good and bad I guess.
SeanMcChapman: " I cuss. A lot. Too much. Way too much like ribbit man" lol. It's ok like my new motto ive been trying to go by "Just ribbiting say ribbit". I am filled with so much axiety and I have been a person to keep a lot to himself but if I just Fing say what I want and not car... well thats actually haha ready for it, ribbiting good . I think your doing fine! What are your good habits?
EminentLie: Haha okay cool my good habits um lets see, I don't know man I guess I always try to be there for people when they really need someone to talk to. I reply to all my messages I get on deviant art and Facebook I feel owe my fans for what they give me
SeanMcChapman: "Daw" ~Burwaro. That's sweet. That's really a good thing to let people know you appreciate them.
EminentLie: Of course man
SeanMcChapman: I the go to guy to, but anyhow shut up sean. Do you play anykind of intrument?
EminentLie: I play piano and sing a bit but that's all I used to play violin though
SeanMcChapman: What instruments would you want to learn that you havn't?
EminentLie: Probably guitar bass and drums they all seem pretty fun
SeanMcChapman: If you could get a band together who would you have in it and what would you name itlol?
EminentLie: I'm a solo artist man
Hah but actually I don't know man lemme thing
Adele, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, uhhhhhhhhhh man anyone whos cool I guess
SeanMcChapman: (real cool ok ill give you juyst a few more, dont want to make you axtious for this to stop )
EminentLie: Hah okay nah man I'm chill right now
This is fun
SeanMcChapman: (Alright ^^ )
(I like it)
(We might ge through everything i put together then)
EminentLie: Yay I'm glad
SeanMcChapman: (oh jeez i see why i was avoiding some of my questions. um well tell me what you think. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery. Most miserible thing, depressing?-)
(Jeez XD GOD)
EminentLie: Oh man I have a lot to say about this but ill make it short
SeanMcChapman: (y)
EminentLie: When people abandon you, make you feel bad about the way you are, pretty much making you almost snap, breaking you to the point of wanting to commit suicide because you feel so ribbiting worthless and like a complete ribbit up that nothing matters anyways and no one really cares; leaving you with a messy face from crying and lost shaking feeling like you're not even safe in you mind. That's pretty bad I think, I hate to complain but this is probably one of these worst feelings Ive ever felt. If anyone had to go though that, my heart goes out to you. I guess you have to put it into you mind that its ribbitty now but it will get better just let time heal.
SeanMcChapman: (that answers my next question If there was someone you saw feeling like how you said what would you tell them?) What is your greatest regret?
11:03:25 pm SeanMcChapman: (Jesus this is awesome
EminentLie: Oh cool man I'm all psychic and ribbit. Well, honesty I regret most of my life I typically hate something about myself everyday I just try to hid it because I want to seem like a happy person to people I dont want my personal life to interfere too much with my art. When I make stuff I want people to enjoy what ive made rather than feel pity and sorrow for me, It makes me feel better usually. That's why I never make rant art or anything complaining too much because what makes me feel better is when people enjoy my art or videos. But in person I'm a mess haha don't really have a lot of friends or go out a lot. I like to chill by myself. So I regret being myself most of the time, that I don't have motivation to go out or be the perfect example for people.
Oh yes that video is pretty cool
SeanMcChapman: Well your an imspiration to many from a small plaec, but your very well known. I'm glad to hear that you don't make "rant art" I think I should follow your exsample on that one it's very inspirational! If I had to tell you anything, I would tel you that your doing fine don't feel bad abouth anything and don't regret! There will aways be happy days and you gotta be happy for them. What do you most like in yourself Emi?
EminentLie: Exactly, thank you man! I try my best. What do I most like in myself hmm.. that's hard man gosh. Lets see uh, I don't really like much about myself so this is difficult but I guess that I care a lot about my fans they are like family to me all my fans are my friends. I think its rude when people can't reply to their fans or wont "be friends" with them because they don't know them, well get to know them because they are the people supporting you. I don't want to name names but people should treat everyone fairly and not like they're lower than them. So I guess I like that I care for other people? For my personality, I don't like anything about it.
SeanMcChapman: I like it, your personality is nice to me. Whose are your heroes in real life?
EminentLie: Thank you, I dont have anyone I really look up too, I aspire to nature and the beauty of life; I get inspiration from people around me or moments that happen in my life
SeanMcChapman: What is your motto?-
EminentLie: To keep doing dumb things until they works
SeanMcChapman: "To keep doing dumb things until they works" EMI's motto!
What embarrases you?
EminentLie: YE
Hah well, if I do something stupid in front of someone I get embarrassed or if I have to stand in front of people ill get embarrassed
SeanMcChapman: Do yuo have a favorite holiday?
EminentLie: Aaah April 20th man!
But Christmas is pretty rad I love watching people open my ribbit
SeanMcChapman: HAHA
If you could have any thing material item right now what would you want?
EminentLie: Hmm, well what do you mean by material just anything?
SeanMcChapman: yes
EminentLie: Okay um geez maybe a jumpy house that would be child as ribbit
SeanMcChapman: So child!
much child
speaking of
What’s your strongest memory of your childhood?-
EminentLie: I am hah
SeanMcChapman: HAH XD
EminentLie: I traveled to new Zealand as a kid that was really fun we stayed for 3 months because my dad had work there
SeanMcChapman: what did he do may I ask(personal question. pass left: over 9,000)
EminentLie: Ah he works on movies, he does sound and stuff its pretty cool
SeanMcChapman: THATS AWESOME I wish i could do that
EminentLie: Yeah its cool man
SeanMcChapman: Tell him good job and tell him it was from stranger. (DONT XD)
What’s your scariest experience?
EminentLie: Well, I got too high once and started trippin out and shaking like crazy it was ribbiting scary man
SeanMcChapman: Did you think you were dying?
EminentLie: Yep pretty much I though in was going to die my everything was numb and burning
My shifty advise, Don't mess with drugs man
SeanMcChapman: That's right kids don['t do drugs XD. What’s your favourite art work?-?
EminentLie: Hah exactly man don't become an emi
Art work as in ?
EminentLie: Man I don't know hah
SeanMcChapman: That's a hard one alright
EminentLie: Yeah aha I can't pick anything I guess the world I love nature man
SeanMcChapman: alright.
What jobs have you done other than being an artist?-
EminentLie: None I'm a lazy ribbit
SeanMcChapman: minus the ribbit now
EminentLie: Hah yeah man
What is the quality you most like in a man?-
What is the quality you most like in a woman?-
I guess like sterotipically
EminentLie: Oh boy, for men I guess being a chill person that would want to sit on the couch with some chips and Chinese take out and play stupid video games because going out is too much work and being social is dumb and living a carefree life is better. Same for girls too, I just don't like it when they're all girly girly and ribbit because I like to be relaxed if I can
SeanMcChapman: to me men seem to be restricted to be them selves and share their feelings like the sterotipical women(idk). But women think they must be a certain way to I think meeting standards, i think its just everyone. I wish I was girly ; w ; . Anyhow in your art
what themes do you pursue?
EminentLie: Well, I obviously like to draw drug-related art but I like to make stuff from chill and relaxed to really trippy and dark. Its fun I don't really have a theme I just draw what I feel
SeanMcChapman: Alright I think we're almost done but do you have any questions you'd like to ask and then anything you'd lastly like to say?
SeanMcChapman: Cool man ill be exsited aswell as your fans for that now last question I have fo you. What's something most people don't know about you EMi?
EminentLie: Hold on I have to think for a minute
SeanMcChapman: Alright let your last words be your most memorable
EminentLie: I'm actually really bad at coming up with ideas, most of the stuff I draw and animate I make up on the spot. When create a music video, I listen to the song and the whole animation comes into my head all at once. Its crazy like my story board is all in my head, my mind is the story board. If I think about it too much I wont have any ideas, it just comes its hard to explain. Oh also I DONT BELIEVE IN ART BLOCK or quitting art. I think when someone has art block they're thinking to hard, you have to let it come naturally. It just sort of plops down into your lap its crazy man. Art's a feeling, like when you touch something you automatically know if its soft or hot or sharp, you dont need to sit and think about why its soft because it just it, art is the same way, it just happens like a feeling.
EminentLie: You're welcome man
SeanMcChapman: (Now the silly good bye part if you want to say bye too any veiwers)
EminentLie: Yay I'm excited to make ribbit thanks! Okay good bye everyone I love you all peace stay chill
EminentLie: I'm good just chillin
Thanks man
SeanMcChapman: Ya, no problem it's great to be interviewing you. So now that were doing this interview is there anything you want to say before we start? like to any veiwers who may hear about this?
Sorry where are my manors if I had them would you like to introduce yourself?
EminentLie: okay, this is exciting man. To the viewers and fans or friends I love you guys so much you rock never stop being amazing you are my family and are always there for me and I will be the same for you too. Oh I'm eminent lie by the way but call me emi.
SeanMcChapman: nice to meet you "Emi" if I may call you that. It's a pleasure.
EminentLie: Thank you man
SeanMcChapman: Alright now let's get to the questions everyone is dying hear XD so let's start by asking, what do you do?
EminentLie: Alright cool , well I draw cartoons (not anime or furries) and sometimes I animate them into music videos too, usually on my ds but I use flash sometimes
Or videos with some voice recording its fun
SeanMcChapman: I've seen a lot that you have made and I am very impressed. Why do you do waht you do?
EminentLie: aah thank you! Well, Ive been drawing for as long as I can remember so art and animation is like second nature to me. Its so fun and I do it mostly for my own pleasure, I never really wanted money for it its just a chill thing to do. Its my way of putting my feelings on paper
SeanMcChapman: That's a great way to put. Iused to do a little animating myself, but things happened, but that's another story lol. So when you create your art sharing your feelings has anyone ever shot you down for creating some of your creations? If so how has that had the most impact on you and what was the peice like?
(If you want to share a link during the interview ill put it up on the video if not wait to show me privatly)
EminentLie: Well, probably but usually I try to ignore it because its pointless to argue with people like that. I get a lot of criticism for making animations or art with drug related content but I keep drawing it because it's what I like to do. Its silly when people "quit art" because someone didn't like what they made, personally I don't believe in quitting art, art is like breathing you can't just not breath aha
(okay got it )
SeanMcChapman: Breathing is very important, so I'll take your word! Do you have a peice that you'd like to share that you are proud of?(if so insert a link if not say pass and ill get another question)
EminentLie: Of course hold on ill pick a video and a drawing
SeanMcChapman: (Great!)
EminentLie: Okay, my favorites always change and honestly I cant choose but I guess some of my favorite drawings I'VE made are
8:28:16 pm EminentLie: eminent-lie.deviantart.com/art/walking-with-fire-470767621
8:28:38 pm EminentLie: eminent-lie.deviantart.com/art/at-least-im-pretty-when-i-cry-467237542
8:29:20 pm EminentLie: eminent-lie.deviantart.com/art/grungy-468666220
EminentLie: And this animation is probably the one I'm most proud of eminent-lie.deviantart.com/art/this-is-my-show-470108341
SeanMcChapman: I really like them exspeically the one on the bed, how it shows a your room and your character in it mixing bother real life and the imagination! The video is outstanding and amazing. I approve your you art and videos even if they may not all be child freindly that shouldn't mean people should dislike them.
EminentLie: Thank you man hah
SeanMcChapman: your very welcome who is this character btw? Is this what you'd like to say represents you?
EminentLie: Aah yes, this is emi she's a cat. Since everyone started calling me emi (short of eminent lie) I decided to make a character for that name and since my other character, Spikes, is harder to animate, I wanted to make a simple character and so emi was created as me into a character
SeanMcChapman: Who is spike?
EminentLie: his name is Spikes and he was one of my first characters and who I used as my main character heres a picture of him eminent-lie.deviantart.com/art/Spikes-Hookah-457990388
SeanMcChapman: Is pretty chill as you might say XD. I know spike too from the old flipnote, but correct me if I'm wrong. I noticed spike go through many didffernt changes but he was always spike, I say. Some videos spike was in he seemed sad sometimes. Was spike depressed back then?
EminentLie: Hah that is something I would say, yes I used him in most of my videos back on hatena. Well, normally I put a lot of my personality into my characters so at the time I could have been upset or whatnot but that was a while ago but anyways, if he was sad I was probably sad.
SeanMcChapman: If Spike lost his refridgerator where would it be, in the neighbors pool, up in a tree, or thrown off a cliff?
EminentLie: Hah okay, um probably in the pool because he was stoned and thought the food wasn't staying cold so he felt it was his mission to get it into the pool because the water is cold and it would keep the food cold
SeanMcChapman: HAHA that's a great story! Okay I got some nice funny questions and then we'll get back to the your questions. Beach boys or dubstep?
EminentLie: Hah okay. I'd say beach boys because dubstep is fun but I like more chill music and I wouldn't purposely chose to listen to dubstep
SeanMcChapman: Bucket of Icecream or going to a sports game?
And ice cream is rad as ribbit
SeanMcChapman: ribbit YA
What is your greatest acheivment?
EminentLie: Oh man I don't know man I never really considered achieving stuff with my art I just do it but I guess my "This is My Show" video was pretty achievement-worthy it got pretty popular, got me banned and got sudomemo shut down (other than the fact that Austin needed to change the server) but that was pretty rad
SeanMcChapman: That video... I give you so many kudos on! It's just gonna get better from there, in my oppion of course . Your two characters EMi and Spike are very intresting characters. Do they have their own stories* and does Emi and spike have a thing?
EminentLie: Aah thanks man! I'm excited to make more videos I have one I'm going to start soon to post on my birthday (August 14) if I can finish in time but emi and spikes, typically I dont really sexualized my characters but for back stories not really. I have them kind of living in the moment and making up stuff as my life goes on
But they are like best buds I love them
SeanMcChapman: When you say how they don't have a story it reminds me of my own character Unnamed(Scarf), who actaully reminds me of how spike looks. Unnmaned I' just letting his story make itself and I also don't sexulize? I can't spell- my characters. I did think they were together but that's my fault for assuming. What is your idea of perfect happiness?-
("brb gotta get some nurishment"(back making some ramen)
(need a pasS? You can skip any questions)
EminentLie: Oh that's cool hah yeah I like to make things up on the spot usually its just my style. Hmm, perfect happiness that's hard, Ive been at sort of a dark point in my life for the pass few months struggling pretty bad with anxiety attacks and depression but anyways I guess love from the people around you, like from your friends or fans. Ive been getting a lot of fan art and people saying how I inspire them and how much they love my art it just warms my heart so so much and has gotten me though all my extremely low points where I honestly didn't want to be alive but I would never want to abandon the wonderful people around me it wouldn't be fair to them I don't want to let them down. This got really off topic from the original question but I don't know yet, I'm still trying to find my perfect happiness
SeanMcChapman: That was perfect. That told me all that question needed to know. I think family freinds and even your fans have a big inpact on our lives and they can be a very good thing to turn to when things get rough.. "What is your favorite color?"
9:24:40 pm SeanMcChapman: (joke from here
EminentLie: Okay cool yeah life gets ribbitty I guess just remember that theres always tomorrow. And my all time favorite color is red but I love red purple and green together
SeanMcChapman: (red purple and green for me)
EminentLie: Yes those are my favorite colors they rock
SeanMcChapman: Yup those are some rad colors man. So back to when you told me that you liked more chill music, what genre would you say was your favorie?
EminentLie: Ah yes well I like indie rock usually that's the stuff I listen to like Lana Del Rey, Passion Pit, MGMT and some stuff like that but I also like the classics like 70s and 80s music
SeanMcChapman: Me I never got into music till late middle school and then I was hooked on My mother's blind melon, smashing pumpkins and just also what I liked. I do like the 1990's music too. Also for the next question I just want to know if you can tell me who is this micheal jackson I keep hearing about. is he a real rad guy???
EminentLie: Hah oh yeah, well I went though a phase where I really liked him a lot it slowly faded away but I still love his ribbit he's an amazing artist I defiantly aspire to how he worked and treated his fans. He's pretty rad man seemed like a pretty chill guy if I could've gotten high with him I would have, haha that's horrible.
SeanMcChapman: Haha na that sounds like it'd be cool! I mean who wouldnt want to do something with someone they admired. My best freind *sniff* listened to his music and that even made me to buy "Micheal jacksong the expiernce" even though it was more to be a joke. I go it when I bought pokemon x with a pink 3ds xl to say to the others "Hey look. I got something you don't have. Oh and it's PINK!" I think I listened to micheal jackson a bit because of your intrest in him too, probably because I don't know what I like. any how sorry for the quick rant.
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
EminentLie: Aha cool story man and oh boy okay I'm going to make a list somewhat in order from most to least this should be fun
2. Weed
3. ribbit
4. I feel really chill right now man
5. I'm going to make brownies
6. Doritos man
SeanMcChapman: (keep going till you cant XD)
EminentLie: (okay I was going to go to 10 but ill try aha)
SeanMcChapman: (ok do ANYTHING*)
EminentLie: 7. I'm going to make a Facebook post about this
8. I cant stop eating
9. lmao drugs
10. I haven't done ribbit all summer
11. I must be trippin
12. Always get the corner brownie piece
13. Minecraft anyone
SeanMcChapman: (oooh didnt know you did da crafting)
EminentLie: Ah ill stop there hah I literally looked though my Facebook feed to find post on things I say a lot yeah minecraft is fun
SeanMcChapman: Where would you like to live?-
EminentLie: Well, right now I live in California but id like to go live down in southern cal, because its nice down there, on the beach in Santa Monica
I love California
SeanMcChapman: (Ima cali guy to. I never really got to get around out of this small town but yes I think it looks like it could be nice out there lol >M<) How's the weather right now? What's your favorite weather and season?
EminentLie: (yeah I'm up north out side San Francisco its pretty chill) but right now its dark and cold aaaah during the days its nice but I haaate the wind. My favorite would probably be warm weather, not to hot or cold and I love summer. But I also like winter because I like to wear my huge parka jacket
SeanMcChapman: (I live down in the top right corner of cali in Aturas and the weather is literal random. In summer no matter what there can be a chance of snow.) Never heard of a parka jacket souds nice. what kinds of clothes do you like? Do you mind if they breathe and is it about the style?
EminentLie: I like chill clothing, parkas are like those big jackets you take to Alaska, but anyways like hippie stuff I guess?? Lose, typically dirty because I hate laundry kind of flowy stuff I don't know man hah I love style though
SeanMcChapman: That's me I was wearing one pare of pants basicly since school got out and now I just got some more clothes, but ya laundry can do itself rahaha. Ok here's a harder questions but we can pass it and I can also not include it you you would rather not. What are your thoughts on religion, racism, and sexualatity?
EminentLie: I think people should be able like what they like and shouldn't be judged for the things they are passionate for/their lifestyle choices
SeanMcChapman: Amen
EminentLie: Yes sir
SeanMcChapman: I totally agree that people should feel free to live how ever they wish and shouldn't be forced to be what they're not. Do you have any bad habits like gum tapping fingers humming talking cursing.
(Your one rad G)
EminentLie: yeS I have lots I tap my leg a lot usually when I'm feeling anxiety and I cuss. A lot. Too much. Way too much like ribbit man, sometime ill talk too much about something too, like weed , and I think it bothers people ahah but whatever man. Also I have this tendency to not give a ribbit about things which is good and bad I guess.
SeanMcChapman: " I cuss. A lot. Too much. Way too much like ribbit man" lol. It's ok like my new motto ive been trying to go by "Just ribbiting say ribbit". I am filled with so much axiety and I have been a person to keep a lot to himself but if I just Fing say what I want and not car... well thats actually haha ready for it, ribbiting good . I think your doing fine! What are your good habits?
EminentLie: Haha okay cool my good habits um lets see, I don't know man I guess I always try to be there for people when they really need someone to talk to. I reply to all my messages I get on deviant art and Facebook I feel owe my fans for what they give me
SeanMcChapman: "Daw" ~Burwaro. That's sweet. That's really a good thing to let people know you appreciate them.
EminentLie: Of course man
SeanMcChapman: I the go to guy to, but anyhow shut up sean. Do you play anykind of intrument?
EminentLie: I play piano and sing a bit but that's all I used to play violin though
SeanMcChapman: What instruments would you want to learn that you havn't?
EminentLie: Probably guitar bass and drums they all seem pretty fun
SeanMcChapman: If you could get a band together who would you have in it and what would you name itlol?
EminentLie: I'm a solo artist man
Hah but actually I don't know man lemme thing
Adele, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, uhhhhhhhhhh man anyone whos cool I guess
SeanMcChapman: (real cool ok ill give you juyst a few more, dont want to make you axtious for this to stop )
EminentLie: Hah okay nah man I'm chill right now
This is fun
SeanMcChapman: (Alright ^^ )
(I like it)
(We might ge through everything i put together then)
EminentLie: Yay I'm glad
SeanMcChapman: (oh jeez i see why i was avoiding some of my questions. um well tell me what you think. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery. Most miserible thing, depressing?-)
(Jeez XD GOD)
EminentLie: Oh man I have a lot to say about this but ill make it short
SeanMcChapman: (y)
EminentLie: When people abandon you, make you feel bad about the way you are, pretty much making you almost snap, breaking you to the point of wanting to commit suicide because you feel so ribbiting worthless and like a complete ribbit up that nothing matters anyways and no one really cares; leaving you with a messy face from crying and lost shaking feeling like you're not even safe in you mind. That's pretty bad I think, I hate to complain but this is probably one of these worst feelings Ive ever felt. If anyone had to go though that, my heart goes out to you. I guess you have to put it into you mind that its ribbitty now but it will get better just let time heal.
SeanMcChapman: (that answers my next question If there was someone you saw feeling like how you said what would you tell them?) What is your greatest regret?
11:03:25 pm SeanMcChapman: (Jesus this is awesome
EminentLie: Oh cool man I'm all psychic and ribbit. Well, honesty I regret most of my life I typically hate something about myself everyday I just try to hid it because I want to seem like a happy person to people I dont want my personal life to interfere too much with my art. When I make stuff I want people to enjoy what ive made rather than feel pity and sorrow for me, It makes me feel better usually. That's why I never make rant art or anything complaining too much because what makes me feel better is when people enjoy my art or videos. But in person I'm a mess haha don't really have a lot of friends or go out a lot. I like to chill by myself. So I regret being myself most of the time, that I don't have motivation to go out or be the perfect example for people.
Oh yes that video is pretty cool
SeanMcChapman: Well your an imspiration to many from a small plaec, but your very well known. I'm glad to hear that you don't make "rant art" I think I should follow your exsample on that one it's very inspirational! If I had to tell you anything, I would tel you that your doing fine don't feel bad abouth anything and don't regret! There will aways be happy days and you gotta be happy for them. What do you most like in yourself Emi?
EminentLie: Exactly, thank you man! I try my best. What do I most like in myself hmm.. that's hard man gosh. Lets see uh, I don't really like much about myself so this is difficult but I guess that I care a lot about my fans they are like family to me all my fans are my friends. I think its rude when people can't reply to their fans or wont "be friends" with them because they don't know them, well get to know them because they are the people supporting you. I don't want to name names but people should treat everyone fairly and not like they're lower than them. So I guess I like that I care for other people? For my personality, I don't like anything about it.
SeanMcChapman: I like it, your personality is nice to me. Whose are your heroes in real life?
EminentLie: Thank you, I dont have anyone I really look up too, I aspire to nature and the beauty of life; I get inspiration from people around me or moments that happen in my life
SeanMcChapman: What is your motto?-
EminentLie: To keep doing dumb things until they works
SeanMcChapman: "To keep doing dumb things until they works" EMI's motto!
What embarrases you?
EminentLie: YE
Hah well, if I do something stupid in front of someone I get embarrassed or if I have to stand in front of people ill get embarrassed
SeanMcChapman: Do yuo have a favorite holiday?
EminentLie: Aaah April 20th man!
But Christmas is pretty rad I love watching people open my ribbit
SeanMcChapman: HAHA
If you could have any thing material item right now what would you want?
EminentLie: Hmm, well what do you mean by material just anything?
SeanMcChapman: yes
EminentLie: Okay um geez maybe a jumpy house that would be child as ribbit
SeanMcChapman: So child!
much child
speaking of
What’s your strongest memory of your childhood?-
EminentLie: I am hah
SeanMcChapman: HAH XD
EminentLie: I traveled to new Zealand as a kid that was really fun we stayed for 3 months because my dad had work there
SeanMcChapman: what did he do may I ask(personal question. pass left: over 9,000)
EminentLie: Ah he works on movies, he does sound and stuff its pretty cool
SeanMcChapman: THATS AWESOME I wish i could do that
EminentLie: Yeah its cool man
SeanMcChapman: Tell him good job and tell him it was from stranger. (DONT XD)
What’s your scariest experience?
EminentLie: Well, I got too high once and started trippin out and shaking like crazy it was ribbiting scary man
SeanMcChapman: Did you think you were dying?
EminentLie: Yep pretty much I though in was going to die my everything was numb and burning
My shifty advise, Don't mess with drugs man
SeanMcChapman: That's right kids don['t do drugs XD. What’s your favourite art work?-?
EminentLie: Hah exactly man don't become an emi
Art work as in ?
EminentLie: Man I don't know hah
SeanMcChapman: That's a hard one alright
EminentLie: Yeah aha I can't pick anything I guess the world I love nature man
SeanMcChapman: alright.
What jobs have you done other than being an artist?-
EminentLie: None I'm a lazy ribbit
SeanMcChapman: minus the ribbit now
EminentLie: Hah yeah man
What is the quality you most like in a man?-
What is the quality you most like in a woman?-
I guess like sterotipically
EminentLie: Oh boy, for men I guess being a chill person that would want to sit on the couch with some chips and Chinese take out and play stupid video games because going out is too much work and being social is dumb and living a carefree life is better. Same for girls too, I just don't like it when they're all girly girly and ribbit because I like to be relaxed if I can
SeanMcChapman: to me men seem to be restricted to be them selves and share their feelings like the sterotipical women(idk). But women think they must be a certain way to I think meeting standards, i think its just everyone. I wish I was girly ; w ; . Anyhow in your art
what themes do you pursue?
EminentLie: Well, I obviously like to draw drug-related art but I like to make stuff from chill and relaxed to really trippy and dark. Its fun I don't really have a theme I just draw what I feel
SeanMcChapman: Alright I think we're almost done but do you have any questions you'd like to ask and then anything you'd lastly like to say?
SeanMcChapman: Cool man ill be exsited aswell as your fans for that now last question I have fo you. What's something most people don't know about you EMi?
EminentLie: Hold on I have to think for a minute
SeanMcChapman: Alright let your last words be your most memorable
EminentLie: I'm actually really bad at coming up with ideas, most of the stuff I draw and animate I make up on the spot. When create a music video, I listen to the song and the whole animation comes into my head all at once. Its crazy like my story board is all in my head, my mind is the story board. If I think about it too much I wont have any ideas, it just comes its hard to explain. Oh also I DONT BELIEVE IN ART BLOCK or quitting art. I think when someone has art block they're thinking to hard, you have to let it come naturally. It just sort of plops down into your lap its crazy man. Art's a feeling, like when you touch something you automatically know if its soft or hot or sharp, you dont need to sit and think about why its soft because it just it, art is the same way, it just happens like a feeling.
EminentLie: You're welcome man
SeanMcChapman: (Now the silly good bye part if you want to say bye too any veiwers)
EminentLie: Yay I'm excited to make ribbit thanks! Okay good bye everyone I love you all peace stay chill